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Stars at Night
   Wild & magical  

"Agni  is a Sanskrit word meaning fire and connotes the Vedic fire god of Hinduism. He is the fire of the sun, of lightning, and of both the domestic and the sacrificial hearth. As the divine personification of the fire of sacrifice, he is the mouth of the gods, the carrier of the oblation, and the messenger between the human and the divine orders."


For 2 million years, humans have held a sacred, intimate relationship with Fire.  

To this day, cultures around the world include fire and ceremonial smoke in their religious, social and cultural practices. 


Fire transforms. Fire purifies. Fire creates.
Fire connects us to the divine. 


At Alchemy of Agni we understand the significance of fire in ritual, celebration and meditation. We mindfully make candles, incense and ceremonial smoke bundles - providing guidance and ideas on how to use them for positive manifestation. 


We source all our ingredients seasonally, sustainably and with Mother Nature in mind. Where possible we only work with wild, eco, spiritually conscious ingrediants for the highest vibration. We also work closely with Cornish growers and suppliers who add their own passion and magic to what we do. 


We pride ourselves on walking lightly on the Earth. We only harvest what we need and at the appropriate phase of the Lunar Cycle for the highest vibrational power. 

Faces behind the Fire 
Trudi Holden Nick Gunn 2020.jpg

The Founders

Alchemy of Agni is the weaving together both Celtic and Indian lineages. 


As two electric  'witches' with our own individual spiritual practices, we're passionate about offering ritual items which respectfully honour the magic of fire. 



She's a Reiki Master, Coven Priestess & complementary therapist dedicated to natural living. 



He's a Guitarist & teacher with both ancient Cornish and Nepalese heritage. 

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