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Incense and The Elements

Updated: Oct 26, 2021

Earth. Air. Fire. Water. Spirit.

Forming the very basis of nature itself, the 5 elements feature in belief systems and subsequent rituals around the world for very good reason. They are the basis of life itself!

Japanese Elements

In Traditional Japanese philosophy, The Godai studied the elements in a way similar to the Greek Classical Elements. Known as Chi (Earth), Sui (Water), Ka (Fire), Fu (Wind), and Ku (the Void), they represented not only the form the world around us took, but also sought to explain the way the physical and emotional body of a human manifested. Was an ailment linked to an excess of fire, or a lack of water? Where could balance be restored, and what element represented the treatment?

Indian Elements

This understanding of our connection with the elements is also reflected in Indian Ayurvedic medicine, where the five panchamahabhutas — of earth (pritvi), water (jala), fire (tejas), wind (vayu) and space (akasha) are consulted in hospitals when approaching the Doshas of a patient.

African Elements

Across the globe in West African, the five elements of the Dagara people are equally fundamental to rituals across their territory; each holding deep meaning. Fire, the original element, is seen as a most potent connection to the spirit world. It is puts us back on our spiritual track by consuming that which stands between us and our purpose. Water brings cleansing, reconciliation, purification and peace-making. Earth, the central element, is the mother who is inviting us to come home to community and the earth, our true home. Mineral is the elemental energy that invites us to remember, through ritual, who we are and why we are here. Nature asks us to open to transformation in order to realise our true and authentic selves.

Cornish Elemental Rituals

Back here Cornwall, where my Pagan Celtic ancestors walked their path on the Earth, the importance of the elements in celebration, ritual and meditation is no less sacred. Here, they called in the elements and the four directions of North, South, East and West both as an anchor and in reverence of nature. We ask the elements for guidance and bring their power to our ritual or spell. We celebrate their divine influence on our lives, and we understand that we need each for balance in our lives.

When we were developing our Botanical Loose Incense blends, naturally our own pagan roots influenced our recipes. Though each contain plants specifically for their medicinal and spirtual essence, we also choose plants based on the balance of the five Elements.

The Five Elements of Incense

1. Ether (Fruits)

Hawthorn Berries, Orange

2. Water (Stems & Branches)

Sandalwood, Cherry Bark, Willow Bark, Frankincense, Myrrh, Copal, Pine

3. Earth (Roots)

Angelica, Turmeric, Vetivert, Ginger, Valerian, Spikenard

4. Fire (flower)

Clove, Rose, Lavender, Chamomile

5. Air (leaves)

Patchouli, Bay, Eucalyptus, Rosemary, Mugwort, Spruce

When creating your sacred altar space for your Fire Magic meditations and rituals, channel the roots of your ancestors and work with the elements. In addition to your Alchemy of Agni candles and incense to represent Fire, you could include a chalice of Water, a plant, crystal or flower for Earth, a feather for Air and something sacred to you for spirit.


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