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How to use The Pyramid Intention Candle

Updated: Oct 26, 2021

Here at Alchemy of Agni we are just a little bit obsessed with Fire. Some believe it was our discovery of fire which contributed dramatically to our evolution; creating warmth, cooking our food and warding off hunters in the wild.

We may have progressed past huddling around the fire inside a cave, however the collective and personal hearth fire remains to this day a magical place for meditation, ritual and social interactions.


yramid Intention Candle

The Alchemy of Agni Pyramid Intention Candle is the ultimate celebration of the element of Fire. We specifically created this epic candle to help you focus your mind on your New Moon intentions, and amplify the power of your mind.

Setting an intention is essentially focusing your mind and energy on your desired outcome or situation; switching your mind toward the positive instead of focusing on the negative or perceived obstacles. The belief system behind manifestation is rooted in the faith that anything is possible, we simply must first focus on our desired outcome and actively imagine it in your reality. Creating wealth, happiness, healing and general amazingess in your life is in your hands, but you must participate in its creation.

How often have you tried to meditate on your intention, only to get distracted by the laundry 5 minutes in? This is where the magical white tip of our Intention Candle comes in. This magical tip of pure white light captures your intention, and holds its power in this world, before burning it upward toward the divine.

Symbolising the grounding Earth at its base, and an accumulation of divine energy at its point, the Pyramid vibrates at the highest frequency for ultimate transformative change.

Combined with the element of Fire, our Pyramid Intention Candles help you to focus your personal power of intention, and create positive change in your life.

How to use The Pyramid Intention Candle

  1. Place your candle on a fire resistant surface and surround it with objects that will have meaning within your ritual. Take time to reflect on your intention, writing some notes in your journal to hone your mantra.

  2. Trim your wick to about 5mm

  3. Light your wick and meditate on your intention. The best time to do this is on the New Moon.

  4. Leave the candle to burn for at least an hour until the white tip of manifestion has burnt down.

  5. Continue to burn your candle throughout the lunar month and revisit your intention at will.


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